
Sentiment Index Survey

06 August 2024

According to the CFA Italy Radiocor Sentiment Index for July 2024, expectations for the domestic economy among professional Italian investors holding CFA® certifications show a “Sentiment Index” value of -20 points, negative but improving from the previous measurement. The survey was conducted by CFA Society Italy, in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor, among its members during the period of July 19-31, 2024.

80% of participants consider the current economic situation in our country to be stable, while the remaining 20% see the Italian economy in a negative dynamic. The overall macroeconomic outlook for the USA is positive.

In terms of expectations for the next six months, 20% of respondents foresee an improvement in macroeconomic conditions (+20 points compared to last month), 40% expect stable conditions (-26.7 points compared to the last survey), while 40% predict a worsening (+6.7 points compared to last month). Consequently, although the indicator remains negative, it has risen: the difference between those optimistic about the Italian economy’s prospects and the pessimists is -20, representing the “CFA Society Italy - Radiocor Sentiment Index” for August 2024 (+13.3 points compared to early July).

Expectations for the next semester for the Eurozone are also improving, while for the USA, operators indicate substantial stability. 


For further information, please read the press release and full report (Italian only).