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ESG Analysis & Investing Online Certification Program | CFA Society Italy and POLIMI | 2 October - 16 December 2023

27 September 2023


ESG Analysis and Investing Course Online Certification Program - From 2 October to 16 December 2023 

Integrating ESG (Environmental Social Governance) issues into financial analysis is now a fundamental requirement for professionals who work in banks, investment firms, asset management companies, consulting firms, insurance companies or investment funds, in response to the requests and needs of investors and to regulatory changes introduced in the European Union.

The ESG Analysis & Investing Online Certification Program, created by CFA Society Italy and POLIMI, Graduate School of Management, aims to provide participants with the skills necessary to master and apply ESG analysis methodologies to the evaluation of companies and securities, to portfolio choices and reporting.

The course includes a final test which, if passed and subject to attendance of at least 90% of the lessons, releases the "ESG Analysis & Investing Certificate".

For additional information and registration: https://bit.ly/3albnOO.


👉 CFA Society Italy members will benefit from special conditions and may receive credits for professional training as required by Consob for Mifid purposes.